Un documentario di EPMIES , per tutti , anche per bambini e ragazzi..sempre...costruttivo...da guardare e da far vedere anche nelle scuole:
IO MANGIO, TU MANGI.......LORO SI AMMALANO, Prodotto da Daniela Colombini "ESPO 2015 Milano". Il film è in Italiano, con scritte in Inglese, ma la maggior parte del film è in immagini.
A documentary by EPMIES, for everyone, also for children and young people ... always ... constructive ... to look at and to show also in schools:
I EAT, YOU EAT ....... THEY HURT. produced by Daniela Colombini "ESPO 2015 Milano". The film is in Italian, written in English, but most of the film is in images.
HERE THE MOVIE "I eat, you eat? they hurt
IL FILM EXPO 21 6 15
C.F. / P.Iva: 97644490159
Tel: 025468181
Via Cadore 2
20135 - Milano - Italia
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OCRA repetitive movements
Sovraccarico biomeccanico da movimenti ripetitivi degli arti superiori
Risk assessment of upper extremity overload
2012 | COLOMBINI DANIELA*, OCCHIPINTI E.The study of work situations with exposure to multiple tasks in weekly and annual cycle: practical experiences in the field of cleaning ( weekly cycle) and packaging of fruit (annual cycle).18th IEA Conference of the International Ergonomics Association (Recife, February 12-16, 2012- Brasil | CLICK |
2011 | DANIELA COLOMBINI, E. OCCHIPINTI,M. CERBAI, N. BATTEVI,M. PLACCIAggiornamento di procedure e di criteri di applicazione della Checklist OCRAMed Lav 2011; 102, 1 | CLICK |
2011 | DANIELA COLOMBINI, E. OCCHIPINTI*La valutazione del rischio da sovraccarico biomeccanico degli arti superiori con strumenti semplificati: la mini-checklist OCRA. Contenuti, campo applicativo e validazioneMed Lav 2011; 102, 1 | CLICK |
2010 | LUCIA PIGINI, DANIELA COLOMBINI, M. RABUFFETTI, M. FERRARINTecniche di acquisizione ed analisi del segnale elettromiografico per lo studio del sovraccarico biomeccanico occupazionaleMed Lav 2010; 101, 2: | CLICK |
2009 | D. COLOMBINI E. OCCHIPINTI ,Ocra method: a new procedure for analysing multiple repetitive tasks.Conference Proceedings XivV Congreso National de Salud en el Trabajo , XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Salud Laboral, LeonMexico, 10-12 Septiembre | CLICK |
2009 | 17th IEA Conference of the International Ergonomics Association August 9 - 14, 2009 Beijing, China.Presented papers D. COLOMBINI, E. OCCHIPINTIThe OCRA Method (OCRA Index and Checklist). Updates with special focus on multitask analysis. E. ÁLVAREZ-CASADO, A. HERNÁNDEZ-SOTO, D. COLOMBINI,Repetitive movements of upper limbs in viticulture: set up of annual exposure level assessment models with OCRA checklist comparing with the first results of clinical data D. COLOMBINI, E. OCCHIPINTI,Repetitive movements of upper limbs in agriculture: set up of annual exposure level assessment models starting from OCRA checklist via simple and practical toolsConference Proceedings 17th IEA Congress of the International Ergonomics Association August 9 - 14, 2009 Beijing, China | CLICKCLICKCLICK |
2008 | E.OCCHIPINTI, DANIELA COLOMBINI, M.OCCHIPINTI Metodo Ocra: messa a punto di una nuova procedura per l'analisi di compiti multipli con rotazioni frequentiMed.lav.2008; 99.3:234-241 | CLICK |
2008 | D. COLOMBINI, E. OCCHIPINTIThe OCRA Method (OCRA Index and Checklist). Updates with special focus on multitask analysis.Conference Proceedings. AHFE 2008 Las Vegas – July 2008. Eds W. Karkwoski and G. Salvendy. ISBN 978-1-60643-712-4. | |
2007 | OCCHIPINTI, E.; COLOMBINI, DUpdating reference values and predictive models of the OCRA method in the risk assessment of work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limbs.Ergonomics, 50, 11, 1727–1739. ., 2007, | |
2007 | S. Nicoletti, M. Carino, G. Di Leone, G. Trani, D. Colombini, E. OCCHIPINTIValutazione del rischio da movimenti e sforzi ripetuti degli arti superiori in trenta aziende del comparto del mobile imbottitoLa Medicina del Lavoro, 99, 4, 262-270, 2007 | |
2007 | E. OCCHIPINTI, D. COLOMBINI, M. OCCHIPINTIMetodo Ocra : messa a punto di una nuova procedura per l’analisi di compiti multipli con rotazioni infrequenti.La Medicina del Lavoro, 99, 3, 234-241; 2007 | |
2007 | COLOMBINI, E. OCCHIPINTI ET AL..Repetitive movements of upper limbs in agricolture: set up of annual exposure level assessment models starting from OCRA checklist via simple and practical tools.In Ed. Khalid H.M. .Proceedings of agriculture ergonomics development conference. IEA Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2007. | |
2006 | D. COLOMBINI, E.OCCHIPINTIPreventing upper limb work realated musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs): new approaches in job (re)design and current trends in standardization.Applied Ergonomics, 37; 4; 441-450; 2006 | |
2006 | S. NICOLETTI, M. CARINO, G. DI LEONE, G. TRANI, D. LAGRAVINESE, N. BATTEVI, D. COLOMBINI, E. OCCHIPINTI.Prevention of upper extremity disorders due to biomechanical overload in the sofa industryIn Eds. R Pikaar, E. Koningsveld, P. Settels, Meeting Diversity in Ergonomics-Proceedings of IEA 2006 Congress (Maastricht-NL), Elsevier Ltd, Amsterdam, 2006. | CLICK |
2006 | E.OCCHIPINTI , D. COLOMBINI, A. GRIECOGuidelines for the prevention of work related muscolo-skeletal disorders: the Italian experience.In Ed. W. Karwowski, Handbook of Standards and Guidelines in Ergonomics and Human Factors, Chapter IV, pg. 307-316, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, 2005 | CLICK |
2006 | E. Occhipinti and D. ColombiniA Checklist for Evaluating Exposure to Repetitive Movements of the Upper Limbs Based on the OCRA IndexInternational Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, Second Edition - 3 Volume SetEdited by Waldemar Karwowski CRC Press 2006 | CLICK |
2006 | E.OCCHIPINTI, D. COLOMBINIRipetitive actions and movements of the upper limbs.In Ed. W. Karwowski, Handbook of Standards and Guidelines in Ergonomics and Human Factors, Chapter IV, pg. 243-254, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, 2005. | CLICK |
PATRICIA ROSSANA BRANCO BRASIL patriciarossafa@raciocinioergonomia.com.br
Tutte Le Pubblicazioni sul Metodo OCRA e i compiti ripetitivi:
PERIODO 1996 al 2005
NUOVE NORME ISO TR (Technical Report)