Un documentario di EPMIES , per tutti , anche per bambini e ragazzi..sempre...costruttivo...da guardare e da far vedere anche nelle scuole:
IO MANGIO, TU MANGI.......LORO SI AMMALANO, Prodotto da Daniela Colombini "ESPO 2015 Milano". Il film è in Italiano, con scritte in Inglese, ma la maggior parte del film è in immagini.
A documentary by EPMIES, for everyone, also for children and young people ... always ... constructive ... to look at and to show also in schools:
I EAT, YOU EAT ....... THEY HURT. produced by Daniela Colombini "ESPO 2015 Milano". The film is in Italian, written in English, but most of the film is in images.
HERE THE MOVIE "I eat, you eat? they hurt
IL FILM EXPO 21 6 15
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Latin Questionnaire
1 Scientific Association EPMIES Ergonomics of Posture and Movement International Ergonomics School, Milan, Italy.
2 Ergonomic Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy.
3 Occupational Medicine, University of Milan Italy.
4 Consultant in Occupational Medicine (Lima, Perù).
5 Cenea (Barcelona; Spain
PATRICIA ROSSANA BRANCO BRASIL patriciarossafa@raciocinioergonomia.com.br
Horacio Tovalin,Tomas Pairo, Bettina Lopez, Yazmit Viccon (México)
Bernal Garcia, Eugenia Herrera ,Verónica María Vega (Costa Rica)
Hilda Hernández, Vanessa Reyes, Ana Josefa Ramos (Honduras)
Ronnie Lombana, Alain Claro, Allan Alvarez (Guatemala)
Paola Orellanas, Rodolfo Castro (El Salvador)
Harry Chandler, Marlin Mercedes, Giselle Carrera, Brenda Sobenis (Panamá)
Doris Mejia, Erika Carolina Zapata, Mauricio Gaviria (Colombia)
Leopoldo Suárez, Andrea Bastidas, Rubi Chonlong, Jorge Andrés Obando (Ecuador)
Juan Jose Retamozo, Luis Alberto Acosta (Perú)
Rafael Cervantes, Luis Quinteros (Bolivia)
Rodrigo Pinto, Ignacio Gatica (Chile)
Marco Feraud, Mauro Trota (Argentina)
Diana Robla (Spain)
Ruddi Facci ,Edoardo Santino (Brazil)
A working group, composed of 37 physicians from 14 European and Latin American countries participated in updating and validating the model, assessing its intra and inter-rater reliability: to them, (the Latin group of occupational medical doctors) the authors extend heartfelt gratitude, also for their efforts during this pandemic, without being paid or sponsored.
In particular the following medical doctors contributed to the work:
How to cite: Colombini D, Menoni O, Battevi N, Occhipinti E, Pezoa MV, Hernandez A, et al. Latin Questionnaire: a threshold strategy for anamnestic screening ofoccupational musculoskeletal disorders through specific reference groups. Rev Bras Med Trab. 2022;20(2):328-339. http://dx.doi.org/10.47626/1679-4435-2022-982
The article is already available in our website
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papel cientifico (espanol)
scientific paper ( English)
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